Get Ready To Giggle: 150+ Funny Horse Names!

Horses have long been known for their beauty, strength, and grace. They are majestic creatures that have captured the hearts of many throughout history. From warhorses to racehorses, these animals have played an important role in human society for centuries.

However, there is another aspect to these magnificent animals that often goes overlooked: their sense of humor. Yes, you read that right. Horses can be funny too! In fact, there are countless hilarious horse names out there that are sure to make you chuckle.

In this article, we will explore the world of funny horse names. We have compiled a list of over 160 names that are sure to tickle your funny bone. From puns to pop culture references, there is something for everyone.

But we won’t just stop there. We will also discuss the importance of choosing a name that suits your horse’s personality and how to get opinions from others. So get ready to giggle and find the perfect name for your equine companion!

funny horse

List of Funny Horse Names:

1. Al Capony – a play on the name Al Capone

2. Alimony Pony – a play on the term alimony

3. All Daddy’s Money – a reference to being spoiled

4. An App for That – a play on the name Appaloosa

5. And I’m Worth It – a confident name for a horse

6. Ask Him – a funny response to the question “What’s your horse’s name?”

7. Bill Shut – a play on the phrase “shut up”

8. Biscotti the Hottie – a rhyme based name

9. Biscuit Eater – a nod to a horse’s love for food

10. Biscuits with Ham – another food reference

11. Bitney Spurs – a play on the name Britney Spears

12. Bling 182 – a play on the band Blink 182

13. Boom Boom Bay Be – a fun rhyme

14. Brangelina – a combination of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s names

15. Buck Buck Goose – a play on the game “Duck Duck Goose”

16. BuckleUp Buttercup – a fun rhyming name

17. Burnt Tostada – a silly and unexpected name

18. Can Jump – a simple and straightforward name

19. Cat Sass – a play on words

20. Chester Drawers – a humorous name for a horse

21. Chopped Liver – a funny and unexpected name

22. Daddy Said NO – an ironic name for a horse

23. Dapple Ganger – a play on the term doppelganger

24. Dappleganger – another spelling for dapple ganger

25. Dennis the Menace – a reference to the mischievous character

26. Divorce Settlement – a humorous name based on life events

27. Don’t Bar Gin – a play on the phrase “Don’t bargain”

28. Dot Com – a nod to the internet age

29. Dotley Crew – a play on the name of the TV show “Deadliest Catch”

30. Edgar Allen Pony – a play on the name Edgar Allan Poe

31. Fatty McButterpants – a funny and unexpected name

32. Fifty Bales of Hay – a reference to the book “Fifty Shades of Grey

33. Fiscal Impact – a name for someone who loves money

34. Forrest Jump – a play on words with the name Forrest Gump

35. Fraidy Cat – a funny name for a nervous horse

36. Frosted Flake – a nod to the popular breakfast cereal

37. Gluteus Maximus – a reference to the muscles in the buttocks

38. Go Go Gadget – a reference to the Inspector Gadget cartoon

39. Got Hay – a simple and straightforward name

40. Guess – a fun response to the question “What’s your horse’s name?”

41. Harry Trotter – a play on the name Harry Potter

42. Hay Neighbor – a pun based name

43. Hay There – another pun based name

44. Heinz 57 – a reference to the ketchup brand

45. High Maintenance – a humorous name based on a personality trait

46. Honey Bunches of Oats – a nod to the popular cereal brand

47. Hoof Hearted – a funny play on words

48. Hoosier Daddy – a humorous name based on a regional phrase

49. Horsey McHorseFace – a nod to the meme of Boaty McBoatface

50. Huge Ackman – a play on the name Hugh Jackman

51. Ice Melted – a humorous name for a horse

52. I Don’t Know, Ask Him – a funny response to the question “What’s your horse’s name?”

53. A Bay Mare – a simple and straightforward name for any horse

54. A Bucker – a name for a horse that likes to buck

55. A Champion – a confident name for a horse

56. A Harley – a name for a horse with a strong personality

57. A Horse For Sale – a funny name for a project horse

58. All Alone – a humorous name for a horse

59. A Real Dragon – a fun and unexpected name

60. Darn Well – a humorous name based on a phrase

61. Flawlessly – a confident and aspirational name

62. For Charity – a name for a horse that does good deeds

63. For the Fun – a name for a horse that enjoys life

64. For the Last Time – a humorous name for a horse

65. Her Midlife Crisis – a humorous name for a horse

66. Her Paycheck – a humorous name for a horse

67. Incredibly – a confident and aspirational name

68. In the Buff – a humorous name for a horse

69. In the Nude – another humorous name for a horse

70. Into Victory – a confident and aspirational name

71. Magnificently – a confident and aspirational name

72. Not Bad for a Pony – a humorous name for a small horse

73. On Air – a name for a horse that loves attention

74. The Obvious Winner – a confident name for a horse

75. Whatser Name – a silly and unexpected name

76. While Neigh Kid – a play on words

77. With Confusion – a humorous name for a horse

78. With Grace – an elegant name for a horse

79. With Intention – a confident and aspirational name

80. With No Fear – a name for a brave horse

81. Without A Clue – a humorous name for a horse

82. With Perseverance – a confident and aspirational name

83. With the Wind – a name for a fast horse

84. Your Next Champion – a confident name for a horse.

Choosing the Perfect Name

The process of selecting a suitable name for a horse involves careful consideration of several factors. The horse’s personality, breed, color, and habits all play a role in choosing the perfect name.

Additionally, opinions from others and the announcer’s voice must be taken into account, with the ultimate goal of selecting a humorous yet respectful name that reflects the horse’s unique qualities and brings joy and laughter to the show ring.

Creating a unique name for a horse can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. Many equestrians seek inspiration from personal experiences, such as pop culture references, famous horses, or special memories.

It’s important to remember that humor is subjective, and getting opinions from others can help in the decision-making process. Checking with breed registries can also be helpful to ensure that the chosen name is appropriate.

By taking the time to carefully consider all factors, riders can choose the perfect name that reflects their horse’s personality and bond, stands out in a crowded show ring, and honors a special memory or person.

Considerations for Naming

Considerations for naming a horse should go beyond simply choosing a name that is funny or unique.

It is important to take into account the horse’s personality, breed and discipline, and any unique quirks or habits that could inspire a name.

In addition, the potential humor or respectfulness of the name should also be considered.

To ensure that the chosen name is appropriate, horse owners should seek the opinions of others, such as trainers or fellow riders, and check with breed registries to avoid any potential conflicts or confusion.

It is important to remember that humor is subjective, so it is crucial to get feedback from others before making a final decision.

By taking these naming considerations into account, horse owners can choose a name that not only reflects the horse’s individuality but also brings joy and laughter to those around them.

Honoring Special Memories

Honoring special memories through the naming of a horse is a thoughtful way to pay tribute to a loved one or a significant event. Creating meaningful names that bear personal significance can add significance and emotional attachment to the horse’s name.

Some owners may choose to use the name of a special person, such as a family member or a dear friend, to honor their memory. Others may choose to name their horse after a significant event in their lives, such as a wedding or a graduation.

Using personal anecdotes as inspiration can also help create a unique and meaningful horse name. For example, a horse that exhibited a quirky behavior or had a unique habit could be named after that trait. Alternatively, a horse that was rescued from a difficult situation and overcame adversity could be given a name that symbolizes strength and perseverance.

By choosing a name that reflects a special memory or a personal experience, owners can create a deeper bond with their horse and add a layer of emotional significance to their relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you change your horse’s name after they have already been registered with a breed registry?

Changing a registered horse’s name can be likened to altering one’s birth certificate. It is possible but requires proper legal procedures and documentation. Breed registries have specific rules and fees for name changes, and failure to comply can result in consequences.

Should you avoid using puns or jokes that may be considered offensive when naming your horse?

When choosing a humorous name for your horse, it is important to consider the potential offensive nature of puns or jokes. Finding inspiration from your horse’s breed or background can lead to a clever and respectful name. Other considerations include the horse’s personality and the opinions of others.

How can you incorporate your horse’s unique quirks or habits into their name?

Humorously incorporating a horse’s unique quirks into their name can add personality and charm. Examples include “Hay Jude”for a horse that loves hay, or “Barnabus”for a horse that always greets visitors. Finding inspiration can come from observing their habits, preferences, or physical characteristics.

Is it appropriate to name your horse after a famous fictional character or celebrity?

When considering whether to name a horse after a famous fictional character or celebrity, it is important to consider cultural sensitivity and potential offense. While it may be humorous to some, it could be seen as disrespectful to others. Ultimately, the decision should be made with thoughtful consideration.

What are some creative ways to honor a special person or memory through your horse’s name?

Creative ways to honor a loved one through a horse’s name include using a family member’s name, birthplace, or significant date. Names can also incorporate personal interests or traits. When done thoughtfully, a horse’s name can be a meaningful tribute to a special person or memory.


I have owned over 50 horses and currently own a small horse farm with 8 horses. I have competed on and off for over 25 years while doing mostly trail riding and cow sorting these days. I write these articles to help anyone out there if you love this article pin it to your Pinterest or Share on other social media platform. Thanks for visiting.

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